McAndrews Shareholder Christopher V. Carani to Sit on Panel Discussing Current Landscape of FRAND License Disputes at Northwestern’s Eighth Annual JTIP Symposium
McAndrews, Held & Malloy Shareholder Christopher V. Carani will present at the Eighth Annual JTIP Symposium, hosted by the Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property (JTIP), in conjunction with the Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic Growth. Carani will participate in the session titled, “FRAND: What constitutes reasonable patent licensing terms?” on March 8, 2013, from 12:45-2:30 pm.
Specifically, Carani will present on the implications of the FTC’s decision and consent order in relation to its investigation of Google related to Standard Essential Patents and FRAND licensing. Other speakers featured on the distinguished panel include:
- Latonia Gordon, Director, Standards Policy, Microsoft
- Alden Abbott, Director, Global Patent Law & Competition Strategy, Blackberry
- Mark Snyder, Corporate Litigation, Qualcomm
- Jorge L. Contreras, American University College of Law, Contreras Legal Strategy LLC
- Jason Sheasby, Irell & Manella
Other topics at the Eighth Annual JTIP Symposium include:
- Net Neutrality: Government Overreach or the Key to Innovation?
- The Past, Present and Future of Social Media
Each year, the JTIP Symposium brings together students, academics and practitioners from across the country to discuss legal topics at the forefront of technology and intellectual property. For more information and to register, click here.
Christopher V. Carani, Esq., is frequently invited to share his insights with clients, associations and other national audiences. His practice focuses on securing and enforcing intellectual property rights for companies that range from Fortune 500 corporations, including one of the world’s largest beverage companies, to non-profit organizations and small businesses. Carani is a leading authority in the field of design law and currently chairs the American Bar Association’s Committee on Design Rights. He has litigated numerous disputes regarding design rights and has served as a legal consultant and expert witness in design law cases. In Egyptian Goddess v. Swisa, a case that reshaped the law on design patents, Carani represented the amicus curiae American Intellectual Property Law Association at both the petition and en banc phases. Additionally, his insights on the implications of the Apple v. Samsung patent litigation trial were featured in major news outlets, including the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, and on national TV networks such as CNN and BBC, among others.
After earning his engineering degree from Marquette University and his law degree from the University of Chicago, Carani served as a law clerk to the Honorable Rebecca Pallmeyer at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. He is a registered patent attorney and licensed to practice before the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
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