Christopher V. Carani to Moderate Panel at John Marshall Law School Conference


Christopher V. Carani will serve as moderator for a panel discussion on “Selected Topics in IP/IT & Privacy Law at The John Marshall Law School‘s Center for Intellectual Property, Information Technology, and Privacy Law’s Intellectual Property Law Conference. In this November 1 session, panelists will discuss a wide range of emerging IP, IT and privacy issues, including:

  • Regulation of the internet and technology (whether relating to privacy, net neutrality, taxation, or other matters) at the state and/or federal levels
  • Forward-leaning technologies, such as Automated Trade Secret Asset Management (TSAM)
  • The impact of the Defense of Trade Secrets Act expansion of civil liability for trade secret misappropriation to include Sections 1831 and 1832 of the Economic Espionage Act (EEA) as RICO predicate acts
  • Advice on meeting compliance risks under privacy and information security laws, including GDPR and CCPA, including ways for privacy and IP practitioners to work together
  • Considerations of and pitfalls related to the use of technology/AI for the administration and adjudication of justice

McAndrews is once again a sponsor of the event, which will be held at the Union League Club in Chicago. To learn more, please visit JMLS’s website.