Wil Rao and Bob Surrette to Participate in AHR Expo Panel Session “Making Money: What Corporations & Investors Want to See in HVACR IP Portfolios”
One of the greatest indicators of value for any company is the strength of its IP bundle of rights. On Tuesday, January 23 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in Chicago, at the premier event for HVACR professionals, Wil Rao will moderate a session identifying IP strategies and tactics that lead to higher valuations and greater purchase interest for HVACR companies. Panelists include McAndrews’ Bob Surrette; Xylem’s VP, Buildings and Industrial Products Group, Richard Blong; and Lincoln International’s Managing Director in the Valuations & Opinions Group, Larry Levine. Whether you are a C-suite executive, a manufacturer, engineer, or innovator/entrepreneur, gain insight and strategies to maintain, improve, and/or generate financial value for your company or product.
For more information, click here.